It is a seminar for the dental team in Italian language.
The elimination of unnecessary use of sharps, the implementation of the use of SESIP, the information and awareness-raising , and dental team training are the main clues reported in the Recommendation “Framework Agreement on Prevention From Sharp Injuries in The Hospital and Healthcare Sector”- edited by European Biosafety Network. SESIP is the acronym of “Sharps with Engineered Sharps Injury Protection”. Many references agree with the fact that the needle and finger is respectively the instrument and the body part most likely involved in sharp injury. Moreover, percutaneous injuries mainly damages hands (78%) and happen during dental care (71%), while 2/3 of the remaining ones happen during instrument processing.
The topics are:
- Blood borne pathogens: diseases, transmission and risks
- Occupational injury
- Risk factors for sharp injury
- Recommendations (CDC-2003, Directive n° 2010/32/UE)
- Standard precautions, safe handling of sharps and changes in practice since the banned practice of needle recapping
- How does SESIP chose?
- Immediate actions when a sharps injury/contamination incident occurs (Exposure Prone Procedures)